The First Bát Tràng Museum by national artist vũ thắng
The First Bát Tràng Museum by
national artist vũ thắng

Chum men đỏ khắc rồng
Red glazed jar with dragon design

Large ceramic jar, in red enamel glaze and engraved with dragon and cloud designs.

Large ceramic jar, in red enamel glaze and engraved with dragon and cloud designs. Achieving this particular tone of red is an incredibly challenging task. So much so that this is the only large-size artwork Vu Thang was interested in creating throughout his career, making it a truly unique piece.

Dimension height 85cm, width 52cm
Technique hand pottering, engraving
Color red

If you want to keep track on what’s happening here from time to time.

Xin hãy giữ liên lạc để nhận những thông tin mới nhất từ Bát Tràng Museum.